TD 702 Integrated Program for Year 7 Assessment Rubric ~ Weight 50%


Name: ___________________ Topic: _____________________


Student Number: ___________________ Unit: ____________

Date: __________________

Objectives Excellent Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Identification of VELS Learning Outcomes 4 points
A range of appropriate Level 5 VELS Technology Learning outcomes are listed for the unit.
2 points
An appropriate Level 5 VELS Technology Learning outcome is listed for the unit.

0 points
Appropriate VELS Technology Level 5 learning outcomes are not listed for the unit.

Unit Rationale Overview & Sequence


Provide a rationale for topic

4 points
A clear and concise rational is provided for the topic.

2 points
A rational is provided for the topic, but it is not clearly stated or concise in its wording.

0 points
A rational for topic is
not included



Clearly describe topic(s) to be taught. Approximately 40 - 100 words

See example.

4 points
A clear and concise overview is provided for the unit. 
2 points
An overview is provided for the topic, but it is not clearly stated or concise in its wording. 
0 points
An overview for unit is
not included

4 points
The sequence of lessons is clearly listed. The sequence is logical and will allow students to achieve all stated learning outcomes.

2 points
The sequence of lessons is clearly listed. The sequence is mostly logical and will allow students to achieve most of the stated learning outcomes.

0 point
No listing of the sequence of lessons. Or the sequence listed will not allow students to reach the majority of learning outcomes.



Objectives are clearly written, utilise higher order
thinking skills, and allow students various means
to demonstrate proficiency.

4 points
Goals/objectives clearly
address stated VELS Learning outcomes
2 points
Some Goals/objectives are listed but they do not clearly address stated VELS Learning outcomes
0 points
Goals/objectives not listed.

Originality of Ideas / Motivation


4 points
The unit demonstrated original thinking and will be clearly motivating for students.
2 points
The unit demonstrated some original thinking and is likely to be motivating for students.
0 points
The unit demonstrated little or not original thinking and is not likely to be motivating for students.
Support for students / teacher

Provides copies of worksheets (if appropriate)


4 points
Copies of all worksheets or other material that will be provided to students are included with the unit plan.
2 points
Copies of some worksheets or other material that will be provided to students are included with the unit plan.
0 points
Copies of worksheets or other material that will be provided to students are not included with the unit plan.

Provides links to relevant websites


4 points
A range of relevant websites are included for teacher & student use.
2 points
Some relevant websites are included for teacher & student use.
0 points
No links are provided to relevant websites.

Provides examples for students


4 points
Examples of all assessment tasks are provided for students to allow them to see what is required before starting the task.
2 points
Examples of some assessment tasks are provided for students to allow them to see what is required before starting the task.
0 points
Examples of assessment tasks are not provided for students.

Provides resources for teachers


4 points
Provides a range of resources for the teacher including traditional text based materials as well as online or electronic resources
2 points
Provides some resources for the teacher.
0 points
Does not provide any resources for teacher use.

Provides resources for students

4 points
Provides a range of resources for the students including traditional text based materials as well as online or electronic resources.
2 points
Provides some resources for the students.
0 points
Does not provide any resources for student use.



4 points
A range of assessment tools are used. These may include traditional, authentic, self-assessment, and peer assessment.

2 points
A limited range of assessment tools are used.

0 points
It is not clear how the lessons will be assessed.

Rubric(s) 4points
A rubric is provided for student and teacher use to guide assessment for all assessment tasks. The rubric provides descriptive statements for each level of assessment.
2 points
A rubric is provided for student and teacher use to guide assessment for all assessment tasks. The rubric does not provide descriptive statements.
0 points
A rubric is not provided for all assessment tasks.
Publication & Links 4 points
There is a clear and functional link from your TD702 Webpage to the Integrated Program for Year 7
2 points
There is a functional link from your TD702 Webpage to the Integrated Program for Year 7 but it was not clearly visible and easy to locate.

0 points
There is no link from your TD702 Webpage to the Integrated Program for Year 7 or it was not functional.


Alt Tags

See The Art of ALT

4 points
If graphics are used alternate text is provided for all graphics using Alt tags.
2 points
If graphics are used alternate text is provided for some graphics using Alt tags.

0 points
Graphics are used but alternate text descriptions were not provided using Alt tags.


4 points
The author of the unit plan is identified and the author's e-mail address is included.

2 points
The author of the lesson plan is identified but the author's e-mail address is not included.

0 points
The author of the lesson plan is not identified and no e-mail address was included.


4 points
Grammatically and mechanically correct.

2 points
A few spelling or grammatical
errors are present.

0 points
Several spelling and
grammatical errors are present.


Score:        / 68

Note the score will be converted to a grade out of 50 using the following formula: Grade = Score * (50/68)

Last modified: August 8, 2005