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Home > Tutorials> Game Maker 6 > Game Maker Links

Game Maker Links

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Thanks to Matty for providing the following link Computer Programming Training Tutorial which provides a list of programming languages and links to reference materials.


Wikipedia Game Maker Page

A website about programming games at school
Some excellent and unusual game Maker resources, links & examples csan be found at this tite
link added July 4, 2006

Game Maker Mandelbrot Set Game Maker Lissajous


The Tasmanian Department of Education Gamemaker page by Margaret Meijers.
An excellent site well worth a visit.
This site has an excellent tutorial that covers creating your first game
link added June 9, 2006

The inaugural Australian Game Programming in Schools Conference was held on Friday Sep 9, 2005, at Swinburne University. This conference explored the the learning theory underpinning game programming in schools. Speakers from around Australia shared best practice in using game programming as a relevant, authentic and highly motivating task which develops higher order cognitive and metacognitive skills.


Free Game Maker Educational Resources
link added October 10, 2005

Something is making me do it: A reflection on 3.5 years of teaching with Game Maker
- presentation to Game Programming in Schools Conference
- Melbourne, Friday September 9th 2005


Game Making: Have fun while you learn


Haileybury College, Edrington - Computer Club Information for teachers
Link updated July 9, 2006

Literature on school improvement is full of exhortations to make the content of instruction "relevant." …….. But if one does belong to a culture in which video games are important, transforming oneself from a consumer to a producer of games may well be an even more powerful way for some children to find importance in what they are doing.
Preface by Seymour Papert to Minds in Play by Yasmin Kafai

Computer Club is an activity held by Haileybury College, Edrington, Berwick, Victoria Australia. It rises from our commitment to "relevant" self directed learning. The games are the work of our students, they set their own goals, they are very much their creations.

They are published here because we value their efforts. We encourage dialogue with other schools who recognise the value of game programming as a learning tool. Your comments and questions are welcome, email tforster <at> haileybury.vic.edu.au



Information for Teachers

Over the past years Game Maker is being used more and more for educational purposes, as a vehicle to teach students about programming, technology, and of course game design itself. The activities range from technology summer camps (see for example the Childrens Technology Workshop) and elementary schools, to highschools and universities (for example the course on Game design at Utrecht University). On this page you find information and links that are useful for educators. If you created your own material based on Game Maker and want to share it, or want to express your opinion about this topic, please send a mail to gamemaker @ wanadoo.nl.

Free Game Maker Educational Resources

The main current purpose of this website is to distribute free Game Maker educational resources, such as hands on tutorials, course outlines and a variety of worksheets.

This website has been created by Bill Kerr and is maintained at the Woodville High School extranet.

Carl Gustafsson's Game Maker Pages

Welcome to my Game Maker Pages. These pages are devoted to the games creation tool Game Maker by Mark Overmars. Game Maker is freeware, and I heartily recommend it to anyone interested in creating their own computer games on the standard PC.

Rob's Web Site

These examples will run on Game Maker version 5.x and version 6.x, although some of the text functions may not display perfectly with v6.x


Coding efficiency

by Simon Donkers

Many people complain about the fact that Game Maker is very slow. However speed can differ greatly from your programming technique. Many things can be performed much more efficiently. This varies from using local instead of global variables but also things like which objects has a collision event.


Game Maker Games Forums

Game Maker Community Lo-Fi version


Game Maker Community Hi-Fi version

This forum is meant for discussions about this community. You can also put announcements of web sites or chat groups devoted to Game Maker in the releveant subforum here. Make sure that you READ these rules prior to posting. Also, the General GMC Rules apply here too.

There are a number of forums related to teaching game design in schools.

International game making teacher's forum

Teacher's Forum:
This forum has been specifically created for class teachers, parents and educators interested in running game making activities. http://www.gamelearning.net/teachers


Australian Game Maker teacher's forum



A Game Maker 6 Discussion



Teacher's Forum making computer games with children


Google search for game maker 6 examples

APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 03:41 pm). Game Maker links
     Retrieved February 19, 2025, from http://www.rupert.id.au/tutorials/gamemaker/links.php

Last refreshed: February 19 2025. 10:30.24 am

rupert dot russell at acu dot edu dot au Support Wikipedia

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

1150 Visits since July 5, 2006