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Home > Tutorials > Programming
I have enjoyed programming ever since I was first introduced to computers in 1979. My science teacher brought his Exidy Sorcerer computer. Back then we had 8K if RAM to play with, programms were saved to cassette tape, and each pixel in a line had to be drawn individually. Things have changed somewhat since then.
See my Processing page
See my Android applications I have just started to play with Android. These are the first programms I have ever sold. I doubt I will be able to give up my day job yet... So far I have sold less than 50 all up.
My 12 year old son introduced me to Scratch which is a nice environment to use to introcude kids to programming.
I decided to create an account and upload an example.
APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 03:44 pm). Programming.
Retrieved January 25, 2025, from
Last refreshed: January 25 2025. 02:32.54 pm
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