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Home > MicroWorlds Logo (Turtle Graphics) Links & Examples
See: Elica Logo a 3d logo program |
MicroWorlds is published by LCSI a demonstration version is available from the MicroWorlds website.
MicroWorlds EX Robotic Examples
MicroWorlds 2.0 User's Guide
(77 Pages) 462KB
My Introduction to Turtle Graphics
My Elements of Programming LOGO
MicroWorlds Vocabulary printable listing of all MicroWorlds primitives with descriptions, examples, and hyperlinks to projects using each term.
Example Google search
Try the following searches on
in the classroom"
for kids"
for primary"
is fun"
You will turn up lots of resources for MicroWorlds on the Web if you look.
10 mm grid for drawing pirates maps etc on when introducing Logo to students before moving to a Computer
Fine lines
3 KB
16 KB Links fixed May 5, 2007
See also my MicroWorlds tutorial page.
Note: I have split my example MicroWorlds applications
into the following categories
~ Some projects appear in more than one category~ :
Animations Fractals Input & Control Maths Projects
Example May 31, 2006
Programming Examples Simulations Student Projects Turtles
Example April 8, 2005
Turtle Graphics
David Dimsey
David teaches at The Geelong College
I could not figure out in which category to place this example.
No code in this example. This was drawn by a 4 year-old who loves playing with MicroWorlds. MicroWorlds can be used simply as a drawing program before the concept of programming turtles is introduced. |
Going in Circles local copy / MIT copy
These projects were all created using LCSI Microworlds which is available as a free download. You will need this facility if you wish to look "behind the scenes" at my projects. with Logo as a Programming Language for Educational Applications - Jim Andris, Southern Illinois University. Resources for Educators Using Programmable LEGO Materials
Stager, G. S. (1996). Laptops, Logo and Learning. Retrieved May 31, 2006 from
Logo 15-word challenge
MicroWorlds Pro Demo local copy for fast download
15-Day Trial Demo DownloadPlease note that this is the Pro version of MicroWorlds
The interface is a little different than the version we have installed in T 316
It is able to read and write the same files as version 2.03
This trial version will enable you to work on the Microworlds Project from home.
Using MicroWorlds and AppleWorks Spreadsheets to Explore Geometry Concepts is MicroWorlds?
dmoz open directory project logo links A list of sites that have Logo Programming Language usage, lesson plans and tutorials.
Design a Computer Game - August 12-16, 2002 Ages 9-12"Logo is the name for a philosophy of education and a continually evolving family of programming languages that aid in its realization."
- Harold Abelson
Apple Logo, 1982logosurvey is a website devoted to Logo and Turtle Graphics
it is an excellent collection of logo resourcesLogo Update is the newsletter of the Logo Foundation. Subscriptions are free. LOGO Bibliography - This page has a long list of Logo links and a good bibliography as well.
Going in Circles This is a very interesting interactive essay using Microworlds
What is a circle? When you see a circle, how do you know it's a
circle? When you want to make a circle, how do you do it?
A Microworld is a term coined at the MIT Media Lab Learning and Common Sense Group . It means, literally, a tiny world inside which a student can explore alternatives, test hypotheses, and discover facts that are true about that world. It differs from a simulation in that the student is encouraged to think about it as a "real" world, and not simply as a simulation of another world (for example, the one in which we physically move about in).
E-Slate Microworld Samples
In these pages (1-4) you can find and download various samples of Microworlds constructed with E-Slate. To use them, you have to first download and install E-Slate from the Download area. After that you may open Microworlds (.mwd files) from within E-Slate. Alternatively, you can double-click on these files to launch E-Slate. Note that in some cases Microworlds are accompanied by various multimedia assets (packed in .zip files) which should always be kept at the relative file locations indicated by the installation file structure.'s MicroWorlds in Action website (MIA) is a collection of MicroWorlds projects, lessons, and other resource materials for developing Logo programming skills.
Logo from the Kindergarten to the University Level
Our main goal for teaching informatics from kindergarten to university level for children and for students is to make learning fun and motivating. Sometimes it is necessary to teach informatics without computer and sometimes with computer. One of the biggest advantages of Logo is that it can suit all ages.
Abelson, H., & diSessa, A. (1981). Turtle geometry. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Cannings. T & L. Finkel. (1993). The technology age classroom. Oregon: Franklin
Beedle & Associates, Inc.
Clayson, J. (1988). Visual modeling with Logo. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Clements, D.H., & Battista, M.T. (1991). Logo geometry (K-6). Morristown, NJ:
Silver Burdett and Ginn.
Cuoco, A. (1990). Investigations in algebra. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Dublin, P. et al... (1994). Integrating computers in your classroom: Elementary
education. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers.
Goldenberg, E.P., & Feurzeig, W. (1987). Exploring language with Logo.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Harel, I. & Papert, S. (editors) (1991). Constructionism. Norwood, NJ: Ablex
Publishing Corporation.
Harel, I. (1991). Children designers: Interdisciplinary constructions for learning
and knowing Mathematics in a computer-rich school. Norwood, NJ: Ablex
Publishing Corporation.
Harvey, B. (1985-87). Computer science Logo style: Volumes 1-3. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press.
Lewis, P. (1990). Approaching precalculus Mathematics discretely. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press.
McClees, D. & D. Fitch. (1995). The case for classic Logo: The Logo update. New
York: Logo Foundation. Fall 1995.
Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms: Children, computers, and powerful ideas. New
York: Basic Books.
Papert, S. (1993). The children's machine: Rethinking school in the age of the
computer. New York: Basic Books.
Papert, S. (1996). The connected family: Bridging the digital generation gap.
Atlanta: Longstreet Press.
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APA citation:
Russell, R. (2016, July 04, 02:14 pm). MicroWorlds logo (turtle graphics) links & examples.
Retrieved February 19, 2025, from
Last refreshed: February 19 2025. 10:48.39 am
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