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Note I have uploaded audio from the tutorial on Thursday August 12. I have also added instructions on how to install & configure Dreamweaver
You can play the audio from your browser or download a copy MP3 audio file from Tute2 August 12, 2010
Please note the quality if this recording is not great as the recorder was in my shirt pocket and there is alot of noise from the recorder moving around inside my pocket.
The audio from the video will be much better as I was using a lapel microphone but it takes time to upload the video. Next time I do this I will make sure I use a lapel mice for the
audio recorder as well as the video.
I hope this is of some use. I will extract the audio from the video tape next week and hope to have both the video and improved audio online next week.
25 MB
You can use Audacity or Winamp etc to play this MP3 file Let me know if this audio is of any use. Send me an email
Dreamweaver links
Last refreshed: January 25 2025. 12:28.19 pm
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.